Coronavirus Update IV: Feb 2021

2 February 2021

Hello lovely people

When we rescheduled the festival for April this year it was entirely an act of optimism.

Unfortunately, someone forgot to tell the universe that we’d quite like to do fun stuff again.

I'm so sad to say this, but Dead by Dawn won't happen in Spring as planned.

On top of that, the projected timeline for the vaccination programme isn’t stable enough for us to set new fest dates yet so we’re left with little choice but to wait and see.

I’m with Inigo Montoya on this. I hate waiting.

We know loads of events have moved online. We’re not doing that. We’re not doing that cos we like you, we like seeing you and we love having a blether, a beer and a laugh with you.

We can’t wait for that to be possible again and we'll make an announcement just as soon as our 2022 dates are locked.

Waving at you from a safe distance...
